We work with young females and boars within Danish Yorkshire (YY), Danish Landrace (LL), Danish Duroc and our hybrid pig (LY/YL). At Danish Genetics we cross our animals in two stages to achieve the best breeding- and slaughter pigs. First we cross Landrace with Yorkshire to create our mother sow (LY/YL) known for its low feed consumption, high growth rate, high fertility, good parenting skills, long lifespan, and high carcass quality. After that, we cross the mother sow with our Duroc known for its high growth rate, low feed consumption, high lean meat percentage and carcass quality. We are proud to claim that the result from this cross is a world-class slaughter pig with perfect production performance.
Through our professional technical team, we provide valuable help and service. The team consists of employees with various relevant backgrounds both with experience directly from agriculture as well as experience in advising both pig breeders and production. This enables them to provide in-depth support for each and every one of our many customers.
Our goal is to optimize your business by developing and delivering world-class genetics. The opportunities lie in the genes, and with a commercial starting point and a humble and close dialogue with our customers, we want to be the customers' preferred choice of genetic partner.
Behind Danish Genetics are a number of Denmark’s most experienced breeders, multipliers, and distributors.
A solid foundation of more than 100 years’ experience combined with state-of-the-art technologies and the world’s leading genetics experts are the ingredients that create one of the world’s best breeding programmes.
The biological complexity of the breeding goals makes it necessary to balance the traits against each other to secure optimal breeding. Therefore, we have focused on a balanced breeding program by incorporating number of breeding goal traits from efficiency, growth, robustness, reproduction, mothering ability and carcass quality categories.
These focus points are chosen because the combination of them results in a more sustainable breeding with profit for the consumers, less environmental pollution, and increased animal welfare.
DGENES is a dynamic system equipped with state-of-the-art genetics technologies that can analyse the data through genetic approaches to deliver accurate breeding values. The breeding goal is delivered by Danish Genetics’ unique bio-economic model, that weighs the traits under selection by the economic value of each trait to secure the highest production profit for the pork producers along the value chain.
Yes, we have a concept called DGNM - Danish Genetics Nucleus Management.
With DGNM, you can become part of the breeding progress at Danish Genetics. At the same time, such an agreement ensures that you get the most of your breeding animals, as you get access to more data about your animals, and thus are better capable of selecting the animals to be used in the further breeding.